Friday, April 05, 2013

Here I go again....

Wow, it's been forever since I wrote on this blog last.  So here I go again :)  Life gets busy and there just doesn't seem to be enough time to do everything.  I have a friend that is helping me stay on track with creative projects and I'm helping her too.  We text each other often to see what progress we have made.  It has been good to be accountable to someone else.  Last Friday another friend showed several of us how to make a braided rag rug. 
This is a photo of mine so far.  Actually it is a couple of rows bigger from this point. It has been great for me to learn a new craft and to do something besides glass, my true passion. 

I loaded my kiln last night with some amber vitamin bottles.  I am excited to take them out, wire wrap them and add them to wood pieces.  They would make really cute Mother's Day gifts.  I'll post a picture soon.